Thursday, August 30, 2012

Activity Schedule

With my half marathon training starting on September 10th, I made a work out schedule.

It's mainly a basic running schedule I got from the Internet but I tweaked it to my liking (and added in my cross training and yoga classes). For example, most training schedules have you running every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. And then either a Friday or Wednesday. I personally hate that. I want to run Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. It's four days a week. And I alternate enough to recover. No 3 days in a row like others schedules. And I couldn't do just 3 days a week. Clearly, I'm the outcast on this because the majority of trainings I've found prefer the Tuesday/Thursday runs. I can't say I care much, I I've learned one thing about exercise it is to listen to your body and preferences. Ive always done cardio Mon/Wed/Fri and cross training Tues/Thurs and I'm not changing that now.

Not when I'm so scared of this training/challenge. I don't know why, but it's scaring me like crazy. I've run up to 8 miles before, so I know it's possible. But the possibility of failure is feeling so overwhelming, it feels like Mount Everest.

This is how I feel right now:

I'm hoping it's just pre-training anxiety. I've just started using runkeeper on my runs to measure how far I go. So far, I love it. Eventually I'd like to get a Garmin watch. But I need to be sure I'm willing to keep up my running up before spending 130 dollars on a watch. Regardless of how cool it is.

I also fond out last night that potatoes that have started growing roots really freak me out. like really freak me out. Sam thinks I'm crazy because I made him clean them up and cook them. Apparently you can cook potatoes in the microwave, I was not aware of this. He thinks it's common knowledge. Either, I'm behind the times on kitchen possibilities or he's a genius. I'd argue the former, he would go for the latter.
Shocking, I know.

We ended up making a nice meal of turkey burgers with cheese and avocado (no bun) and mashed potatoes, with skins of course. Not real mashed potatoes, just potatoes that you mash and put salt on, without all the goodness of cheese, milk, whipping cream or whatever your choice of mashed potato recipe. I just like that texture better.

I've got pump class tonight, and then a walk at the park. I really want to just skip right on home to play with my new laptop that Sam gave me for my birthday but apparently fitness is important...or something.

My laptop's name is R2-D2:

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