...and you know those weeks are going to be long. The good thing about today was that we had a baby shower for one of my coworkers. It was fun and I won the "guess how big the pregnant belly is" game and won a gift card to Starbucks. That's pretty cool. I'm not gonna lie it was a complete guess, and I had no idea what I was doing.
In the past five months I've learned more about weddings, marriages, pregnancies and babies than I thought possible. I work in an office with about 15 women, and all of those topics/events have happened in the office in that time frame. I don't drink the water there, I'm a little afraid. Anyways, it all adds up to great conversations that scare/gross out the few males we have working there. Which is even more fun.
Anyways, while the baby shower was lots of fun, it essential threw an obstacle in my whole eating healthy plan the very first day I try to get back on track. The first day. Really? I couldn't even get a week? Ugh. The good news is I actually did pretty well. We ordered a Jason's deli catering plate for lunch and I had half of a turkey sandwich, some chips (I'm sorry, they are my weakness), and fruits. I think that's pretty good for a work party. Thank god it's mainly all women who care about health and their waistlines.
I did fail to go work out. I couldn't sleep last night and decided to go run after work. The problem with me is that I'm useless after 5 PM (unless we're talking Houston Rodeo, but that's for another paragraph). Once I set foot outside work, I want a couch and dinner. And after that I try and break a record for the least amount of movement I can make before bed. It's bad. So instead of heading to the gym (which is between work and home, by the way) I went to Sam's. We did cook a healthy meal, lean beef and a baked potato.
I'd say overall, I conquered the day. As one of my favorite coworkers/friends/life saver tells me the trick is to get through the day. Leave the strength of making it through tomorrow for tomorrow. It's gotten me through many days and many cravings or binge temptations. I resisted the table full of sugary goodies and chips the rest of the afternoon and Sam and I even picked the M&Ms out of a trail mix and only ate the nuts, not the M&Ms. Anyone who knows me knows i deserve a prize for this.
I'm hoping for a better tomorrow, and making healthier choices. Also, running is a must tomorrow. Hope everyone else is aware tomorrow is Tuesday not Friday, which is what my brain is trying to convince me of right now.
Anyone have tips on how to stay strong during work? What is your favorite healthy meal? Or even better, snack?
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