So I've been prescribed Restasis fopr the second time in my life. For those of you who don't know, there's some of us in the world that don't produce enough real tears and end up wit hdry eyes. I think it's because we're heartless or something, at least that might be Sam's argument against me.
I once had a test done in high school to measure my tears (I don't know the details of this I just remember the numbers and the overview of this test, so you doctors out there, don't get mad at me). Apparently the average person is supposed to have 35 tears when they stick these little strips in your eyes that measure such things as tears. Well my eyes managed to produce 5 tiny, meager, little tears. That's how dry my eyes are. My life is awesome.
Anyways, back to my original point, I was prescribed these artificail tear maker or enhancer (or whatever doctors call it nowadays) to help my eyes get ready for Lasik surgery in January. Tiny sidenote, I'm getting LASIK in January, I'm so excited!!!!! You get warned a million different times about the eye drops and about how it makes your eyes burn when you put them in but that it's a normal side effect, and not to worry about it. Now, I'll start by saying that thankfully I seem to be one of the few who doesn't feel any burning when using these eye drops; however, there is no way I will be using something that makes my eyes burn everytime I use it. That doesn't seem natural. On top of that, the prescription without insurance cost like $400 three months. That's ridiculous! thank god for insurance and promo cards. It came out to $10 dollars. Now that's a number I can handle.
Alright, rant about eye drops is done. Although I do love them, because my eyes feel so much better.
Happy Tuesday!
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