As promised a new blog post :)
This weekend started out pretty bad. I didn't make it to the race in time and missed my favorite race of the year. The Pumpkin Fun run, they give me a long sleeved shirt for participating so my hear is with them forever. While I was upset about not making it in time for the start I stuck around to watch my wonderful friend finish and then hang out with her for a little bit. Btw, the reason I didn't make it is because downtown Houston sucks and I forgot my money, and you've got to pay to park everywhere. Awesome. I ended up parking wherever, hoping I wouldn't get a ticket, or worse, get towed. No ticket. So moral of the story, if you know you plan on breaking the rules anyways (little rules not felonies or anything) just do it before you miss a race.
Putting that behind me I went home for the weekend. I know, God forbid I miss a weekend at my parents house. Don't judge, if your parents were as awesome as mine, you'd be there all the time too. Over all the weekend was really god and relaxing. I slept in until 10:30 AM on Sunday, that hasn't happened in ages. I also, may have accidentally locked my parents out of the house Saturday night. I'm either super lame by being home before them or they deserved it for being home so late. I won't be living that one down anytime soon.
So confession time: my running has been terrible. I haven't logged more than 3 miles in about 2-3 weeks. Keep in mind, I'm supposed to run a half marathon in a little over a month. I swore I wouldn't get defeated, yet once again I stopped training. The good news is that I ran 6 miles this morning. Mainly because it felt good. I didn't suffer, I didn't hurt too bad (my hip has been hurting for a few days but it stopped while I was running). I'd say it was a good way to start the week off. Now I'm back in the swing of training, I'll do my best to train as much as I can before the event and do my best. I refuse to not show up. It's also in Vegas, and I'm pretty excited about going there.
I'm also obsessed with the idea of going to the Grand Canyon this summer. I haven't taken a real vacation in probably 3 years. And I want to get out and do something fun. Living in a big city, I miss nature. my current goal is to organize that for this summer's adventure.
That's it for Monday, I hope every one has a fantastic week!
I'm anxiously awaiting a new post, Miss Erika. ;) Please don't tell me you've left the blogosphere!