I've always been jealous of those girls who are always so put together and look really cute in the latest trends. My sister is one of those girls. And I swear she always looks like she's coming from a photo shoot.Whatever she's wearing, she wears it well. I, on the other hand, am the awkward girl who would rather wear sweats at all times, except we live in Texas and I would melt. I always feel like I missed some huge assembly where girls were taught how to dress, do their make up, and hair.
It's like somebody was editing that guest list, saw my name and was like "she's gonna be a train wreck anyways, skip her invite". I'm not exaggerating, I don't even know how to do my hair other than down or in a ponytail. Let's not even start on make up. And while I can sometimes fake the whole cute outfit thing, usually I'm just a jeans and random t-shirt girl. I wish I know how to dress up, how to put outfits together, and how to shop.
Seems like it would help at work too. I hate walking into meetings and finding out I am the only girl with my hair up and no make up. Like everyone else looks professional and I look like I rolled out of bed (it's probably exactly hat happened) and stumbled into this job. It might even help me feel grown up?
I'd say that's pushing it, but I'd love to learn how to do hair (doesn't help that my hair is short, not much i can do with it). So anyone have any tips on clothes or hair for me? Macie, this is for you and Val. Y'all are always so adorable, I wanna be like y'all. Let's see each other this weekend and go shopping :)
Well I for one think YOU are always adorable! However, I feel you on the hair and make-up thing. I think I was removed from the guest list, too! I've learned a few tricks here and there (mostly from Pinterest to be honest), but other than that I'm pretty clueless! As for shopping - that's something I'm always down to do. ;) Oh - and if you are looking for some good hair/make-up tutorials, check out The Small Things Blog (http://www.thesmallthingsblog.com/) and The Beauty Department (http://thebeautydepartment.com/)!